Brands and certifications
Alsatian companies, products, and services are central to a strong promotion strategy under the Alsace Brand (Marque Alsace). Below is a selection of brands and labels that showcase Alsatian excellence!

The Marque Alsace

The collective “Alsace” brand is designed to enhance and promote the region, boosting its visibility, reputation, and competitiveness.
Clear, recognizable, and distinctive, the Marque Alsace embodies the region’s dedication to asserting its uniqueness, values, identity, and exclusivity.
This brand is open to organizations of all sizes and sectors that identify as responsible corporate citizens of Alsace.
Bien en Alsace regional employer branding
The regional Employer Branding “Bien en Alsace” (“Feel good in Alsace”) brings together businesses, local authorities, and economic partners in Alsace to embrace common values and collaborate in attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent.
This initiative promotes strong cooperation among companies, local authorities, and economic partners, focusing on crucial factors that need the collective effort of the entire ecosystem throughout the employee experience:
- Training
- Regional and company awareness
- Talent acquisition
- Talent retention

This approach addresses key issues such as job visibility, regional exposure, housing, mobility, and local integration.
Find out more on the dedicated page !
The Alsace Excellence label

The Alsace Excellence label is a key component of the broader Alsace territorial branding initiative, aimed at boosting the region’s attractiveness, influence, and competitiveness.
Its ambition is to highlight the excellence of Alsatian companies, certify their quality through a rigorous audit, and unite the best among them to promote an Alsace that truly stands out!
Alsace Excellence is open to all companies based in Alsace, regardless of size or industry.
Savourez l’Alsace & Savourez l’Alsace Produit du Terroir
The brands “Savourez l’Alsace ®” and “Savourez l’Alsace – Produit du Terroir ®” are dedicated to promoting the quality, origin, and local craftsmanship of Alsatian products in the agricultural and agri-food sectors.
These labels allow producers to feature a recognizable logo on their products, ensuring consumers that they are purchasing locally made goods and supporting Alsatian businesses and farmers.
“Savourez l’Alsace ®” is aimed at companies that process products in Alsace, contributing to local jobs and investment.
“Savourez l’Alsace – Produit du Terroir ®” is for Alsatian agricultural and food companies that produce raw products entirely in Alsace or process them using at least 80% Alsatian raw materials. Independent bodies oversee traceability.

To join, companies must adhere to the brand’s specifications, undergo regular inspections (when applicable, by an independent body), and pay a membership fee.
Fabriqué en Alsace

The “Fabriqué en Alsace” brand (literally “Made in Alsace”) highlights the quality and craftsmanship of products made in Alsace. This label enhances the region’s reputation for excellence, supporting the sales of locally made products and boosting the appeal of Alsatian businesses.
Available to artisans and manufacturers throughout Alsace (excluding the agri-food sector), the “Fabriqué en Alsace” label is awarded to specific products rather than entire companies.
To qualify, products must be manufactured in Alsace, meaning that the key production stages that define the product’s essential characteristics must occur within the region.
Artisan d’Alsace

The Artisan d’Alsace brand, managed by the Chamber of Trades of Alsace, recognizes exemplary artisanal businesses within the Alsace region. Its objectives are to enhance the competitiveness of local artisans, improve the image of craftsmanship, and showcase the diversity and skills of Alsace’s craftsmanship.
Who is the initiative for?
- Any artisan with over 3 years of experience in the trades sector.
- Any business where craftsmanship is the primary focus and located in the Alsace region.
- Any artisan who is up-to-date with their accounting, social, and tax obligations, and compliant with all current regulations.
Commerçant d’Alsace

The Brand “Commerçant d’Alsace”, managed by the CCI Alsace Eurométropole, identifies stores or agencies committed to providing high-quality reception, expert advice, and exceptional service to their customers.
The brand aims to improve retail points and enhance the service skills of local Alsace merchants by offering an objective assessment and identifying areas for improvement. It is awarded through certification.
The initiative is open to any merchant, artisan-merchant, or service provider to individuals who are:
- Independent or part of an organized network (associate, integrated, or franchised)
- Operating or based in the Alsace region in a B2C context
- Having a physical commercial unit (street-front or in a shopping center)
- Compliant with all current regulations.